Back to School Revamp- 4 Tips for Making the Transition Easier

Don't make the back-to-school transition any harder than it has to be. Check out 4 quick tips to ease in.
CrossFit Threefold
August 25, 2024
Back to School Revamp- 4 Tips for Making the Transition Easier

It’s that time again. Back to school. We bet you’re getting ready to send the kids back and ease into some normalcy, right?! And you’re not alone in this feeling, we are too. Summer is great but with more down time, vacations, get-togethers and more relaxed routine, getting back into the swing of things is tough. But it’s also something many, including us, welcome with open arms. Why? One word- consistency. We thrive on consistency. It keeps us focused, productive and helps manage things like stress and weight. The more consistent you are with diet and exercise, the easier it is to stay on track and reach your goals. So, if you’re looking for some quick and easy tips to transition with ease, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got what you need to make weekdays and the school transition more manageable. Let’s begin.

1. Prioritize Breakfast

This one’s tough because mornings aren’t always the easiest part of the day. It’s so tempting to hit snooze just a little bit longer. But with everything that needs to get done in the morning, sometimes that isn’t an option. From making breakfast, packing bags, making lunches and getting everyone out the door, mornings are frantic. But one thing’s for sure, you’ll never make it through your busy day without energy and it all starts with breakfast. Do yourself a favor and don’t skip it. Yes, it’ll be worth getting up when the alarm sounds. Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. Sitting down to breakfast ensures you’ll start the day off right. Nutrition, energy and focus. A recipe for success. 

Once August or September rolls around those lazy mornings and late wake ups are out the door. It’s time to get up, get going and then get out. But you can’t do that and shouldn’t on an empty stomach. Studies have been shown that starting your day with a balanced meal helps-

The list goes on and on but one thing’s for sure, breakfast should become a habit. At CrossFit Threefold we’re all about healthy and sustainable habits. Incorporating breakfast is an easy one to do. Just plan ahead. Instead of scrambling in the morning, take time before your hectic week starts to meal-plan, prep and then have healthy breakfast options ready to roll. Some easy and simple ideas include blueberry protein muffins, egg muffins, overnight oats, or even a chocolate peanut butter smoothie. And don’t forget to get the kids involved. This one rolls into our next tip. Keep reading.

2. Involve the Kids 

Kids love to be in charge. As parents we know the struggle is real. They like to make decisions, and feel as if they have control. The key word there is feel by the way. So, why not give them something to be part of. Make them your sous chef. When preparing and planning snacks and meals, get them involved. This one is so important because it not only gives them the opportunity to help out but also develop a healthier mindset along the way. 

Another benefit of involving the kids is that they’ll always know where to look and reach for a quick, easy and healthy meal or snack choice. No more hunting in the pantry or asking what they can have to eat. Having options prepared and visible makes it easy. And trust us, especially when school rolls around, it’s all about making things easier. Keep the following go-to tips in mind when getting ready for your week-

3. Pack Ahead of Time

Mornings are tough so why make them even more difficult by not planning ahead. It only takes a little bit of time on the weekend and some pre-cut or prepped veggies, fruit and snacks to make packing lunches a snap. And planning ahead means less stress and more family time. Isn’t that what you’re after? Packing also puts you in control of what you’re eating. A win-win especially when you’re trying to reach certain health goals such as weight loss, increased muscle, endurance, and creating healthy habits.

Ok so how do you get started? Simple. You focus on quality ingredients that’ll keep energy levels high and stomachs full until after school or work. Remember that “my plate” image. Once you get the hang of its simple formula you can mix and match as you please! If you’ve got a picky eater, think outside the box and keep things interesting. Healthy choices that’ll fill you up without weighing you down can be- nut butter sandwiches, hummus and veggies, chicken or tuna salad. Clean, simple eating. But the key is to plan and prep these items ahead of time. Portion out a week’s worth of veggie snack packs, have fruit accessible and easy to grab and make enough food at dinnertime that’ll last you throughout the week. Work smarter, not harder. 

Having sloppy joes? Great! Pack leftovers in a thermos the next day. Grilling chicken? Perfect, throw a few more lean chicken breasts on the grill for a quick and easy salad topper. See how easy and healthy it is? Taking the guesswork out of “what’s for lunch” is just another way to make transitioning back into the swing of things easier. 

4. Set It and Forget It

Let your crockpot be your best friend. Now that school’s back in session and sports or other activities are in full swing, using a crockpot is an efficient and easy way to cook up healthy, nutritious meals without sacrificing time or flavor. Family favorites like white bean chicken chili, or pulled chicken sandwiches are easy to prep because you simply dump, set and go. 

Crockpot recipes also make a ton of food which makes leftovers a cinch. And you know what that means? Quick lunches the next day and more time with family, heading to that sporting event or simply catching up on your chores. Less time in the kitchen is always a good thing. 

A few other reasons this kitchen staple is a must-have for back to school or even students heading off to college are-

You Got This

Yes, there’s going to be some stress and maybe even a little bit of anxiety starting back to school again but that’s why we’re here. Our goal is to make things easy for you. Nutrition, healthy habits, exercise. All the components of a healthier and happier you, right at your fingertips. With some guidance, these helpful tips and the decision to stay consistent transitioning back to school will be a piece of cake. You got this.

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