Getting Back into a Routine- 4 Reasons Why Structure Will Help You Be Successful

The dog days of summer are almost over. It’s inevitable. There’s no avoiding the fact that our laxed state of mind will soon become more defined and hectic. School’s coming, calendars are filling up and soon we’ll all be running around trying to stay afloat. But in reality, it’s really not that bad. Why? Because it’s time to get back into a routine. Having a routine keeps you focused, organized and motivated. When followed consistently you end up working harder and in turn, reaching your goals faster.
And if you’re reading this thinking you’ve gotten a bit off track while vacationing or just indulging in the summer fun, no worries. Routine is just what the doctor ordered. They’re essential for so many aspects of life. From early on your routines helped you learn how to eat, read, walk and function. Many actually look forward to their morning routine, starting their day off on the “right foot.”
So even though deep down you know you’ve got to get back to reality, there’s definitely a part of you that’s struggling with getting back to it. Why then is it so? It’s tough because relaxation and escape feels good! It feels good to let loose a bit and not worry so much. Since there’s so much expected of you on a daily basis, getting away and letting go of routine feels good.
But after a while most of us actually start craving the normalcy that keeps things in tow.
Before you go any further, look around and take in all the amazing memories and indulgences you created this summer. Soak them up then decide it’s time to get back in the swing of things. Get ready for routine, structure and the benefits that follow.
Reason 1- Reduce Your Stress
One thing’s for sure, after taking a vacation then getting back to reality, stress always seems to follow suit. And when that happens instead of making yourself crazy take a moment and think about what keeps you grounded and calm. Most likely it’ll be setting goals, staying consistent with your healthy habits and being organized so you can reach your full potential. But exactly how do you get there? You get there by establishing a routine and planning ahead for success. Routines are powerful tools. They reduce stress and when followed, assist in carrying out daily tasks helping you feel in control and balanced.
Know what else keeps you grounded? Following a consistent exercise routine. One you can count on time and time again so you feel strong, healthy and your best! What better way to kick stress to the curb than with a consistent exercise or workout regime. Take for instance CrossFit Threefold. When you join our community we’ll help you knock out stress with weekly classes and programs designed to meet your personal needs.
Since stress also puts you at risk for certain health ailments like heart disease, keeping a consistent exercise routine will gives you more time to relax, self-care, meditate and of course exercise therefore making stress a thing of the past.
Reason 2- Get Some Extra Zs
Who doesn't love getting extra Zs now and then right? Sleep is so good for your body and typically the first routine we throw out the window. But in actuality it should be the last. Sleep is essential because it helps you recover from your workouts- repairing muscles and making sure you’re ready to crush it at the gym the next day. Sleep also increases your focus, concentration and ability to perform. Sadly, though the average adult isn’t getting the sleep he or she needs. Actually the average adult gets less than the recommended 7 hours of sleep each night. There’s so much on our minds so it’s hard to turn off our thoughts.
But, with a consistent sleep routine getting those amounts becomes a whole lot easier. Routines like bedtime habits and a sleep schedule assist in-
- mental sharpness
- the health of your emotional well-being
- increased energy
And if you’re anything like the rest of us during summer, staying up later is almost a natural shift. The days are longer and you don’t want to see them end. However, fall is right around the corner, so it's time to shift our mind and bodies into “fall mode.” More structured and on track. Start retraining your body now. Give it exactly what it needs- rest, relaxation and the ability to recharge. All being possible through consistent routine. The result? A more refreshed and focused you.
Reason 3- You’ll be more focused!
One of the main reasons teachers spend the first two weeks of school getting kids back into a routine is to develop and then help them maintain organization and focus. When your mind and body know what’s expected of them, you’ll work more productively and efficiently.
The same goes for the gym. When you have a set routine and stick with it, your body craves the structure. You wake up looking forward to your workout and know that when you’re done, you’ll be more focused and energetic for what the day brings. This regime, especially during stressful times (back-to-school) keeps you on track. We truly are creatures of habit so when our habits get out of whack, so does your focus.
Reason 4- You’ll feel accomplished!

Another benefit of getting back into a routine is the fact that you’ll feel accomplished! That daily checklist? Consider it done! Routines keep your eye on the prize. Whether it’s a new workout, class or reaching a fitness goal. Carving out a path to accomplish tasks and objectives makes you more likely to stay on track and reach your goals faster. Take working out for instance. If you always think “I’ll work out later,” chances are (without a plan) other things will get in the way and soon you’ll be saying “oh gosh where did the time go?” Then you’ll fall into the habit of making a promise to work out tomorrow but never really following through. It’s the perfect example of how important having a consistent routine really is. Routines help optimize your time and your life.
Since routines most always have a beginning and end, when followed consistently they allow you to be more successful, confident and organized because you have a starting and ending point. Reaching those points leaves you feeling proud and accomplished. Your mental and physical state of being are strengthened because you’ve given them something to strive for, work towards and achieve. That daily regime of yours also helps you find balance. With all the hats you wear and tasks you strive to complete, finding calm is hard without a plan. And that’s exactly how you can think of routines- a plan to get you from point A to point B providing balance and consistency.
Obviously the benefits of starting or re-establishing a routine outweigh the task of actually doing it. But when put in perspective, having these daily regimes will make you more successful and happier. You’ll get your jobs done, develop organizational skills and come out more accomplished! So next time you fall off track a bit just remember, success starts with you. It starts with the decision to work hard, maintain focus and reach your goals. What better way to do that, than with a routine and plan for optimal success and happiness. Now go get it!