Resolution or Refinement? You Decide- 3 Tips on How to Make Realistic Goals That Stick

The holidays are here and so is temptation. ‘Tis the season for parties, baking, food, desserts and then some. Thinking of all the food you’ll be around the next few weeks is challenging. This time of year people tend to slip a bit because they know the new year is coming. And with that, new resolutions! But how many times have you made the promise to start a new leaf, change your mindset on health and fitness then find yourself falling short.
Probably a few right? We’ve all been there, done that. And here’s the thing, resolutions are hard to keep. That’s because 90% of them call for a total change. That in itself is hard and why it’s much easier not to stray from good choices in the first place. If you do, you’ll work overtime trying to climb back up to where you want to be.
Indulging more than usual isn’t doing your body or mind for that matter any favors. It actually sets you further from your fitness goals. So what do you do? You focus and refine your outlook and what you actually want. Fitness, health, goal setting it’s all about consistency. It’s about staying accountable and working hard.
Chances are you already know what is needed for optimal health, but finding the path and guidance to get there is tough. Lucky for you, we have the answer. With the following 3 tips, you’ll be able to set realistic goals and reach optimal health faster than you think. Take a look at some healthy habits that’ll stick year after year.
1. Eat Healthy and Make a Plan
Skipping breakfast or lunch is never a good idea. However that doesn’t stop many who think skipping will let them indulge later on. In order to maintain energy levels and keep your body working properly you need to fuel up. Energy (especially this time of year) is so important. Running around, working, working out, shopping, baking and planning. The list goes on and on! But you should never deprive your body of what it needs. Skipping meals lowers your metabolism making you feel sluggish and more prone to getting headaches. Your blood sugar dips and in turn affects your ability to think straight. Not a good situation.
You have to prioritize your health. No skipping meals included, just have a plan. Make a daily promise to eat healthy, starting with breakfast. The list of high protein meals you can make for breakfast is plentiful and easy. Start your day with a delicious and nutritious crockpot breakfast. Try preparing this holiday morning breakfast that keeps you full long after waking. Just set it and forget it. And recipes like this are so versatile, meaning you can make them anytime, anywhere. Keep them as part of your weekly rotation. You’ll be prepared with a plan and be fueled right from the start.
Also keep in mind that healthy eating and meal planning doesn’t have to be boring. If you find yourself in a recipe slump, turn to your nutritional coach for guidance and suggestions. Your coach will help you stay accountable and provide a huge library of recipes and choices suited for you, your goals and your tastebuds.
And if you’re ready to ramp things up a bit, CrossFit Threefold’s Nutritional Challenge will keep you motivated and determined to reach your goals faster! It’ll provide you with the nutrition tips, check-ins and the drive needed for a healthier lifestyle!
2. Find a Support System
Working out and making healthier choices for your body is amazing, but without someone to cheer you on it’s hard to follow through. That’s why having a support system is key. Supports like the ones at CrossFit Threefold help you stay accountable and keep you motivated. When working with a coach, you’ll never feel alone- and that’s half the battle. The extra push from someone who cares helps propel you closer to achieving your goals. It’s about accountability and that’s something CrossFit Threefold prides itself on. And we get it, you know what to do, you just need someone there to remind you.
Let’s take our Nutritional Challenge for example. Our team gives you a one-up on others trying to tackle their resolutions alone. You’ll be sure to gain-
- Recipes and Meal Ideas to Jumpstart Your Goals
- Increased Energy
- Improved Mood
- Decreased Body Fat
- Overall Health Performance
Health challenges are so beneficial because they work! They motivate and support you every step of the way. Teaming up with someone, learning from experts, and staying accountable are all keys to strength and redefining a lifestyle that rewards you tenfold.
Success doesn’t happen overnight but that’s why our team is so strong! We’ll never let you fall short.
3. Determine Your Why
Nothing motivates more than having a purpose and determining why you want to be healthier. It’s also the first step towards a stronger, and happier you. Take a look at those around you. Family, friends, coworkers. Is it something they do or something that has happened that motivates you? Think about your strengths and weaknesses. Where do you want to improve? Your why is personal and unique so determining that first shapes your pathway towards success.
The next step is commitment and consistency. You’ll never reach your why standing still. You have to commit to refining your current way of thinking and your habits. Humans thrive on purpose and without it we feel empty, unaccomplished and lost. Give yourself a purpose and identify your why. Once you do, write it down! Write down your goals and bring those reasons to life. Not only does this keep you accountable but physically crossing off your goals is satisfying. You'll feel accomplished and strong. You know the old saying, “seeing is believing” well that’s exactly what we want you to do.
So as January rolls around take a moment and rethink your mindset. Drastic change is far too hard. Instead commit to refining. Refine your current lifestyle with small gradual changes that’ll help you stay on course. Make a plan for yourself, join a supportive community and focus on your why. Nutrition, consistency, personal goals, support systems and dedication. Those are the building blocks to an amazing life. Let 2024 be the year you shift towards a lifestyle of health and fitness. No trends, no fads, just health and happiness.