Sleep- How It Affects Your Performance and 3 Helpful Tips to Catch Those Zs

Sleep. It's one of the best things you can give your body, yet we struggle to maintain it. We've got 3 helpful tips to change that. Read on
CrossFit Threefold
September 19, 2024
Sleep- How It Affects Your Performance and 3 Helpful Tips to Catch Those Zs

Take a moment and analyze your daily routine. What keeps you moving, energized and focused? Sure there are a bunch of factors but one in particular comes out on top, sleep. We need sleep. Bottom line. We love waking up refreshed and know getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important factors when it comes to good health. So why is it so hard to manage? 

Take a look around, you’re constantly on the go! With crazy schedules, laundry lists of to-dos and running here and there, it’s no wonder winding down at night is pretty difficult. Not to mention when we do get the opportunity to hit the hay early, do we really ever stop? It’s those pesky thoughts, worries and “checklists” that always take over. Then we’re left even more discouraged and sleep deprived. So what do we do? We take control. Instead of letting our lives rule us, we grab hold of the reins and put our health first. There’s always going to be a to-do list or something that plagues us, but putting our health first means we tackle those challenges and come out on top. No more 3:00 cups of coffee to just “make it through.” And the first step is getting your sleep under control. Just a few little tweaks and some simple steps. That’s all it takes. Before you know it, hitting the hay won’t be a challenge and waking up rested and ready to perform will be the norm.

Sleep is Not Overrated!

Despite what you’ve heard or been told, sleep is not overrated. It’s a huge part of your health and can either make or break your wellness. Late nights, not prioritizing rest or working until who knows when will never help your health habits. You have to set boundaries and establish clear routines. At CrossFit Threefold we know that being your best is more than just hitting the gym. It’s about balance and focus. Focusing on the 4 pillars of health will guarantee you’ll always be ready for whatever life throws you. Sleep, nutrition, hydration and exercise- make them your mantra.

Without one, the others simply crumble. Sleep being the ring leader behind them all. Sleep not only gives your body a chance to rest but it also allows your body to repair your muscles. With pre-teens, teens and young adults, it’s the time of day where you grow and develop. As adults, it’s the chance for your body to destress, regroup and rejuvenate itself for the next day. So you can only imagine what happens when we deprive our bodies of the proper amount of sleep. We become tired, irritable, unproductive and unfocused. Experts recommend getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night for adults, any less leads to poor health and contributes to long term issues. 

Sleep is also important for a variety of other reasons such as-

If you want to achieve optimal wellness and athletic performance then make sleep your friend! Sleep is key to doing your best and reaching your fitness goals because it optimizes the opportunity to workout harder, longer and stronger. With proper sleep you feel energized, recovered and ready to nail your next set. 

If you want results, keep reading and check out our quick tips for a better sleep.

Tip 1 for Better Sleep- Turn off Electronics

This tip might seem like a no brainer, but the problem is so many of us are glued to technology. Whether it be a laptop, phone or even television technology encompasses so much of what we do and who we are. But it’s also the number one cause of sleep deprivation. Feeling that if we just work one more hour longer, answer one more email or watch another short clip we’ll get ahead. However, it’s the complete opposite.  Not unplugging at least 1-2 hours before bed really sets off your sleep cycle leading to lower energy and productivity.

Ever think about that emissive blue light coming from your electronics? Well that light actually sends mixed signals to your brain, tricking it into thinking it’s still daytime. Then when bedtime rolls around, your body is confused and can’t unplug. Turn off those electronics at least one hour before bed. That way you’ll fall asleep faster and feel more rested. Grab a book, snuggle up and let your mind and body wind down naturally. 

Tip 2 for Better Sleep- Make and Stick to a Routine

Routine is essential both in and out of the gym. Fitness, work, school. Whatever routine you have, your mind and body thank you. As human beings we thrive on that structure. Knowing what’s expected keeps us focused on the prize and more willing to stay consistent. The same goes with sleep. Consistently going to bed at the same time trains your mind and body to slow down and take a break. It ensures you’re getting the recommended hours of sleep for favorable results. You’ll think more clearly, cope better with daily stress and make better decisions throughout the day which includes your nutrition- remember those 4 pillars! Lack of sleep sometimes leads you down a path of quick fix meals, sugary snacks and unhealthy choices. Don’t fall victim to that.

If you’ve got a busy night ahead of you, meal plan and prep earlier in the week. Don’t just wing it.  Sunday is a great time to plan out your week. Life gets busy, so all you have to do is prepare. Make some easy and simple meals in the beginning of the week and use them all week long. That way you aren’t cooking or eating late at night which also throws off your sleep routine.  

Start small and include some of these quick tips to establish a healthy sleep routine-

Make your sleep routine just as important as any routine you follow. You’ll feel better knowing there’s a plan in place. 

Tip 3 for Better Sleep- Eat Healthy and Light 

It’s no surprise that there’s a connection between what you eat and how well you sleep. If you’re noshing right up until bedtime, your body doesn’t have the chance to properly digest before you lay down for the night. Think for a moment about what you eat. If you’ve heard the saying you are what you eat, then you know where we’re going. What you put into your body affects you physically and mentally. Stick with clean, light and simple meals that won’t weigh you down.

At CrossFit Threefold, our mission is to help clients understand how important proper nutrition is, without feeling overwhelmed or complicated. Picking lean proteins, healthy carbs and stacking your plate with vegetables is a surefire way to nail your nutrition and sleep soundly.

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