Stay on Track this Holiday Season- 4 Benefits to Keeping Your Momentum Going

It’s that time of year! The weather gets cooler and yes, the holidays are coming- faster and faster. It always seems to be that way. One day you’re celebrating the end of summer and the next thing you know, the leaves are changing and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. There’s always so much to do!
Along with the task of holiday planning, family get-togethers and shopping you start feeling overloaded with your busy schedule. Work, kids, cleaning and then on top of all that the holidays! Sometimes it’s just too much. But one thing’s for sure, if you also fall behind on working out not only will you have less energy but you’ll feel unbalanced, unmotivated and out of whack. Keeping that healthy lifestyle on track is so important. If you’ve let things go in the past, leave it at that- the past. Make a change today. Start by making a promise to yourself that this year, you’ll stay on course towards a healthy and happier you.
Focus on the following four reasons outlining why you need to keep your momentum going all season long. You’ll feel more in control and motivated both in and out of the gym. You’ve worked so hard to create a healthy and active lifestyle so don’t let the holiday season derail your healthy habits. It’s time to stay on track, feel good and look great all season long!
1. Stay on Track for Stress Relief
Did you ever find that stress and levels of anxiety seem to ramp up this time of year? It’s so tough. I bet right now you’re making a list, and checking it twice. And if you’re wondering how to keep those levels in check, look no further; you must set aside time to exercise. Exercise is a proven tool to help relieve stress and anxiety. It’s hard enough making your day-to-day run smoothly but then throw holidays in the mix and stress levels skyrocket. Now don’t get me wrong, the holidays are a beautiful time of year but when relatives visit, and parties need hosting, managing it all can feel overwhelming. But again there’s an easy solution and it’s staring you right in the face. Why? Because you’re already doing it.
Exercise. Exercise like CrossFit Threefold’s programs or their WODs release feel good endorphins through high intensity interval training. These types of workouts are proven to rev up your heart rate, kick your results into high gear and leave you feeling unstoppable. The endorphins released when working out also keep you feeling your best and truly motivate you to work harder to reach your goals. It’s that amazing “sweat glow” you get after crushing it.
Anytime you hit the gym you feel better and have more energy. The reason being because you’re becoming stronger, leaner and healthier. But there’s also a science behind it. During exercise your body releases the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone proven to relieve stress. So when you get in a good sweat, pump your heart and lift those weights you combat stress and anxiety without even thinking about it.
Another reason CrossFit Threefold’s workouts help you combat stress is because you’re working with a community. You’ll never be alone. It’s far too easy to “not show up” or “push your workout off” to another day if you’re flying solo. But when you have a community of like-minded friends, and yes your CrossFitters will become your fitness friends, you’re more apt to showing up. You’ll kick stress out the door! You’ll be motivated, supported and guided. Our expert coaches and CrossFit members know how you feel and work hard to encourage you every step of the way. But it all starts with you. You have to make sure you see the benefit in working out and how important it is in helping relieve stress. Especially this time of year. Exercise helps you regain focus,balance, and gives you a one up on tackling those holiday to-dos.
2. Stay on Track for Sleep Better
Sleep is essential for proper functioning but is oftentimes the one thing we give up because of our busy schedules. How many times have you found yourself up late, working extra long hours or just falling into bed because you’re exhausted from the day. If that sounds like you then it’s time to reevaluate your energy levels and start analyzing the connection between hitting the gym and your sleep cycle.
According to the director of Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep, Charlene Gamaldo, M.D., there is “solid evidence that exercise does, in fact, help you fall asleep more quickly and improves sleep quality.” Sleep also allows your body the chance to rejuvenate and replenish itself after a hard day’s work or intense workout session. Not to mention with all that’s going on having a good night’s sleep is an amazing gift! Our minds are constantly in motion. We’re thinking about what needs to be done, worrying about the next day and trying to make sure we’re taking care of those around us.
With proper sleep you’ll be ready to face the day or any challenge that comes your way. Getting the right amount of sleep also helps your body relax, and in turn, keeps your mind sharp. A necessity for your job, family and ability to nail your workouts.
When it comes to catching those “Zs'’ exercise helps you fall asleep faster therefore giving you the opportunity to sleep more soundly. Stress reduction? Yep! Anxiety? Decreased! Talk about a win-win situation, because lower stress= a happier and healthier you.
3. Stay on Track to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain
Maybe you’ve fallen into the habit of slacking off on your workouts during the summer or holiday season. If that’s true don’t fret because you’re not the only one and also another reason to keep reading this article.
But really it’s time to kick that nasty habit out the door. You work so hard on a daily basis to stay healthy and have an amazing, active lifestyle. Don’t let the hustle and bustle of the holidays steer you off course. It’s just not worth it. You’re worth it, and you’re worth making the commitment to stay healthy and on track.
Working out, meal planning and eating right as well as staying consistent with your exercise routine are essential for so many reasons but above all they’ll help you maintain a healthy weight. No one likes to fall victim to those “extra pounds” because we’re too busy to workout. If you skip your workouts or fall into unhealthy habits you’re not going to feel your best. Your energy levels are going to dip, you’re not going to be on your “A” game and you won't be able to keep up with the craziness that is the holidays. Keeping your weight in check and your health top priority is a key factor in your workout success.
Maintaining your healthy lifestyle also has a load of benefits such as-
- Helping you live longer
- Boosting your immunity
- Sleeping better
- Lowering your risk of heart disease
The list goes on and on.
Sticking with your workouts, a healthy meal plan, staying on top of your weekly check ins and planning ahead are all great strategies to use when maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle.
4. Stay on Track for Your Routine
Routine. It’s something we’re all accustomed to and something we work hard to create. Routine keeps us organized, focused and structured. Which is why keeping a routine and staying on track with health and fitness is essential during the holiday season. We’ve said it before, and we’ll keep saying it- consistency is key for success not only when it comes to your health but also life. It helps you reach your goals and achieve great things with work, family, education and your health. Consistency is and has always been the cornerstone for achieving greatness.
Stick with your routine and you will feel proud, strong and accomplished. Now take a deep breath, schedule that next workout, commit to staying on track and having the best holiday season yet! We believe in you, and know you’ll do great things now and always. We’re on board, are you?