3 Great Tips to Keep the Momentum Going- How to Stay Motivated All Summer Long

Don't let summer derail your fitness plans! Check out 3 great tips to keep your momentum going all summer long!
CrossFit Threefold
July 17, 2024
3 Great Tips to Keep the Momentum Going- How to Stay Motivated All Summer Long

Fourth of July has come and gone. And you know what that means, summer’s in full swing. The days are longer, the kids want to stay up later and getting outside is that much easier. Don’t you just love it? We do! But guess what, there’s something else we love too. And that’s consistency

Consistency is key not only in staying productive but also in achieving goals. Even with jam packed days, late nights and lots of get-to-gethers, the best thing for you and your family is to have some sort of structure and routine. A routine that keeps the kids occupied, eating in check and your health (as always), top priority.  

Staying consistent with health and fitness can be a challenge when so much is going on, but it doesn’t have to be. Think of it this way, when you’re focused and goal oriented maintaining your workout routine is a piece of cake. You have more energy, stamina and are ready to take on anything. You’re in control and everything feels “right.” Who doesn’t like it when things fall into place? We certainly do, and we hope you do too. 

Even though motivation can falter here and there during those long lazy summer days, don't let it! You know better. Let the next few tips be motivation to keep your momentum going all summer long. Preparing for fall starts now. 

1. Sign Up for a Program

One thing that’s been said over and over is that kids thrive on structure and routine. Chances are summer boredom is starting to sink in for your kids. The thrill of being out of school is wearing down and they’re either wanting to be with their friends all the time or they’re driving you nuts because they don’t know what to do. We’ve got a solution for that. Sign them up for a class, program or activity that’lll keep them engaged, motivated and in shape.

CrossFit Threefold offers great programs for kids. Why? Because just like adults we want our children to be strong, fit and healthy. We pride ourselves on setting good examples, making healthy choices and making sure our children know just how important health, nutrition and staying active is. No more sleeping in until lunch, sitting on the couch or playing those video games. It’s time to get moving! 

Don’t just stop at signing up your kid, make a promise to yourself to get more active and involved- don’t lose that motivation! Sign yourself up for a new class, take on a challenge or simply gain some more knowledge on nutrition. The tools are here just waiting for you to take advantage. Even if it’s a revamp or refresher! 

When school’s in session, and you’re on your “A” game, staying motivated is a lot easier. You don’t have those hodge podge days when schedules are iffy and you’re going on vacation. But don’t let your health take a vacation too. Stick to your goals and stay motivated. Encouragement from friends, your kids desire to improve their skills and of course coaches that care at CrossFit Threefold are all sure fire reasons you’ll be just fine!

2. Learn Together

Want another way to stay on track? Great, we’ve got you covered again and you don’t have to look far. You have a built-in supportive team right in your home- your family! What better way and reason for that matter, to be healthy than by doing it together. Since everyone is home in the summer, tote the kid with you when you shop. Put them in charge of certain items on your list, have them help you bag the groceries and teach them the value of what a healthy lifestyle is. 

And if you’re not sure where to start, no worry there. CrossFit Threefold has the knowledge and tools to guide you and your family towards a healthier, sustainable lifestyle.

Eating healthy shouldn’t be a challenge especially in the summer. Keeping things simple by focusing on seasonal eating is so amazing and good for your body. Fresh, ripe and delicious. That alone should motivate you to eat healthier, cleaner and make it a priority to plan your meals. 

So what do you do?

  1. You game plan- Make Sunday night (or whenever you’re hitting the grocery store) a time to scope out your local farmers market, meal plan with your family and plan exactly what you need for the week ahead. 

You’ll be organized and ready to throw healthy meals together in a pinch! It’s also a great example for the kids. Plan, prep and enjoy! 

  1. You shop together- Shopping as a family is another way to foster healthy eating habits for your kids. Motivate them to make good choices by explaining nutritional content, clean eating options and minimally processed foods. 

Sure let them indulge in a treat here and there, but when you involve them in the process they’ll be more likely to make healthier choices. Healthier choices means more energy and high quality nutrients to function at everyone’s best!

  1. Grab your apron and cook together- Just like nutrition, cooking doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple,tasty meals are easy when you have a little knowledge and guidance. Cooking as a family is also a great way to connect, make memories, and best of all instill healthy habits! Get the kids involved, make a night of it and have fun. 

3. Set, Post and Nail Your Goals- Together

Maybe you want to gain strength, muscle and get leaner. Perhaps your child wants to increase speed, agility and stamina. Great! Making goals together is another way to keep your momentum going all summer long. When you set goals, you’re also making purposeful decisions tied to an achievement that’ll make you feel good about yourself.

But making and doing are two totally different things. That’s why making  your goals visible is super motivating! Seeing is believing, so if your goals are staring you in the face you’ll be more apt to follow through. Post them-

A Motivated You, is the Best You!

This article is about staying motivated all summer long. There’s still time! So make a pact, a promise and create goals as a family. Think back to our first topic- planning. You have to intentionally plan your efforts and workouts to gain the most success. Take a look at your schedules and pencil in your workouts but don’t forget to follow through!

Keep each other accountable, cross your workouts off each day and then watch yourself soar. There’s power in numbers so stick together, push each other to get outside or to the gym and then reap the rewards of your hard work. It’s really that simple.

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